The forth transnational project meeting (TPM), originally planned to be held at ASEV (Empolese Valdelsa Spa Development Agency) in Empoli, Italy, had to be held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, took place online on 23-24th of September 2020. The project group met together to review methodological issues of the INDEX-learning course, to refine its contents and discuss the further steps of Industrial courseware development and upcoming Pilot phases.
During the meeting, the partners aligned the structure and reviewed the learning materials of the basic and intermediate levels uploaded at the OpenedX platform. Industrial Expert Course’ modules present a good mixture of theoretical parts with best practice example applications and explain complicated topics in an understandable and easy way. All modules are designed to be interactive and activate the learners to think about and adopt the learnt material in their practice.
Design and assessment mode of the advanced course was one of the key topics of discussion. As a part of the advanced level aimed at the ability of the learner to find complex solutions and implement key-to-key technologies, the learner will have to create a Project Portfolio with Project Business Plan, Drawings, Cost Estimations and real 3D printing, when appropriate. The guidelines on how to create and develop a project portfolio will be a part of the advanced course as well.
There is still a last opportunity to influence the customization of the contents according to particular needs, that should be finally defined soon. Just follow the link and participate in our online INDEX course survey, where you can indicate your field of interests: DE EN IT PL RO