INDEX Consortium
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The Project Partnership
The INDEX project is an education project implemented by renowned universities, research institutions and actors of continuous professional development from the European Union. The partnership brings together:
– International Academy of Management and Technology (INTAMT) has been involved in international knowledge exchange and technology transfer and is committed to a broad-based transnational dialogue between the countries of the EU and the former Soviet Union.
– Empolese Valdelsa Development Agency (ASEV) is a Vocational Education and Training Centre recognized by the Toscana Region. ASEV’s main mission is to promote the economic, cultural and social development of the Empolese-Valdelsa area.
– CNR IFAC is one of the most important Italian research institutions in the technical field and has a particularly relevant focus on Industry 4.0.
– University of Lodz (UoL) and the chair for management in particular have sound expertise in the valorization of technologies and the targeted support of companies and entrepreneurs.
– Politehnica University of Bucharest (UPB) is Romania’s leading technical university The CAMIS Centre has a special focus on development and research in the field of digitization.
– Saxion University of Applied Sciences has its strength in applied research and education in the field of high-tech applications and several different subfields within the area of Smart Industry.
– University of Applied Sciences Dusseldorf (HSD) and especially the participating FDMAuto institute has its research focus in the field of application of additive manufacturing.

INTAMT – International Academy of Management and Technology
The International Academy of Management and Technology (INTAMT) e. V. was founded in 2005 with the aim of promoting knowledge transfer between the CIS states and the EU. The association relies on the well-founded CIS expertise and the many years of European experience of its employees and members. INTAMT works closely with a network of federal, regional and local administrative and governmental bodies, universities, leading research institutions, innovation and technology centres as well as companies and associations in the CIS and EU states to achieve its goals.
Since 2005 INTAMT has implemented more than 600 projects worldwide, one of its main areas of activity is the further training of specialists from the former USSR as well as advising administrative and government bodies and educational institutions. INTAMT acts both as an implementation and strategy development partner for actors in vocational education and training and adult education. In numerous projects, INTAMT has organised, implemented and supervised the study trips and further training courses for foreign (among others Russian) vocational education and training experts, NGOs, trainers, teachers etc. in Germany and abroad and has developed corresponding methodological and didactic concepts.
ASEV – Empolese Valdelsa Spa Development Agency
ASEV was created in 2002 with both public and private capital by the municipalities and social partners of the Empolese Valdelsa district, to promote the economic, cultural and social development of the area. ASEV is officially recognised as an adult and vocational training and career guidance centre. Its activities, which so far have involved 7000 people, also include planning and managing courses and activities related to university education; services to promote employment in cooperation with local PES; cooperation with local schools in education activities and teachers’ training. ASEV manages an ODL centre and an intercultural centre that organizes courses in Italian as a second language, training of teachers in intercultural issues, welcoming projects for migrants, field research on immigration and mediation of intercultural conflicts.
IFAC – National Research Council
The “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC) is part of the National Research Council (CNR), which is the main public organisation pursuing research and innovation in Italy. IFAC consists of 57 researchers and technologists, 25 technicians and administrators and 55 collaborators. Its main aim is to carry out frontier research at an international level and, at the same time, to develop new technologies and methodologies that could be effectively transferred to the economic system. The approaches involved are theoretical, experimental and applied research, with a firm determination to develop new techniques and to build prototypes of instruments. The main research lines are around the inner core of physical methods of scientific investigations and pertain to the general fields of optoelectronics, spectroscopy, and ICT. The main lines of research are Lasers, Bio-photonics, Micro-optics, Sensors, Remote Sensing, Microwaves, and ICT.
UoL – University of Lodz, Faculty of Management
The University of Lodz is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Poland. The Faculty of Management was established in 1994 and provides world-class education to nearly 5,000 students and the academic staff of the Faculty, numbering almost 200 academics, carrying out research in management-related sciences in cooperation with international partners, according to best regional and international practice. In addition, the Faculty of Management is the leading scientific and didactic centre in the region of Lodz, specialising in management-related sciences. The Faculty has well established cooperation covering entrepreneurial activities with business environment institutions. The project team members are experts in technology transfer and processes related to the commercialization of science.
PBU – Politechnic University of Bucharest
University Politehnica of Bucharest is the largest Technical University in Romania greatly contributing to the development of Higher Education. It has a vast range of expertise in CAD/CAM technologies for innovation and creativity in Technical Engineering, with these disciplines being taught to students for several years. The academic and technical staffs of one of its centres – CAMIS – has experience in ICT technologies concepts and nano-technologies within the Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems (EMTS). The EMTS faculty has a undergraduate and a Masters programme entitled “Nanotechnologies and unconventional systems” that has been offered to students for 8 years now. The CAMIS centre has vast experience with EU projects.
SAXION – University of Applied Science
Saxion University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the Netherlands, with over 24,000 students and 2,200 staff members. Saxion consists of four campuses in the Eastern part of the Netherlands – one campus in each of the four Dutch cities of Deventer, Enschede, Apeldoorn and Hengelo. Thanks to the important contribution of agriculture to the local economy, this region is renowned for its countryside and fairly relaxed pace of life. However, all four Saxion locations have good public transport facilities, meaning that the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and The Hague are no more than 1½ hours away.
Saxion has built a strong position in Dutch higher education and has come to be recognized as an important centre of expertise at regional, national and international level. The University offers a broad range of courses at various levels, including many international educational programmes. The international student population tops 2,500 students with a total of 55 different nationalities. Many of Saxion’s full-time educational courses are already conducted in English, with more being added each year.
Saxion is divided into thirteen individual schools each with its own discipline, although not all schools offer international programmes. Until 2020 Saxion’s key area of focus is Living Technology. Research projects are also connected to this field of development. Saxion has six Research Centres each centre with its own area of expertise. Research results and new insights are not only beneficial to cooperating businesses and organisations but also in the educational programmes. Being in such close contact with the market ensures that the content of the programmes is always aligned with the latest developments within the professional sector concerned.
HSD – Dusseldorf University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences (HSD for short) was founded on 1 August 1971 by combining several renowned regional educational institutions. Today, the institution is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary range of subjects. Approximately 10.000 students are taught in 36 degree programmes in seven faculties by nearly 200 professors. The educational and research emphasis at HSD has a strong practical and interdisciplinary approach. The university guarantees that course contents are connected to practical work necessities since they are based on extensive professional experiences in commerce, industry and research of all our professors and lecturers. Thus, practical courses are indeed an integral component of the university’s study programmes. HSD offers teaching and research in the interdisciplinary areas of design, technology, the social sector and business studies. The emphasis is put on
architecture, design, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and process engineering, media, social and cultural sciences and business studies. All degrees which can be obtained at HSD are Bachelor or Master degrees. The University has around 80
European and around 30 international university agreements and actively promotes the international exchange of students and lecturers by participating in congresses and summer schools.