We would like to invite you to complete a feedback form in the framework of the project INDEX: Industrial Expert Online Pilot Training.
The Online Pilot Training shall help to indicate to what degree the INDEX basic and intermediate modules are learnable for the students; identify whether the Open edX is functionally friendly, without obstacles and contains no technical bugs remaining unidentified until now: overall which further improvements are needed.
By agreeing to participate in the online pilot training, you shall:
- take the whole course, take the final exam and fill in the feedback form after finalising the course in order to get signed Certificate of Attendance that includes ECVET free of charge credits AND / OR
- Take chosen sections of the course, complete exercises after sections and fill in feedback form after completing sections in order to get signed Certificate of Attendance free of charge.
Please proceed with following STEPS:
- Follow the link
- Register on the Open edX
- Enrol in the BASIC LEVEL – Industrial Expert 4.0 course and/ or choose one of the Intermediate level courses to enrol in.
- View the checklist below before taking the course. It will allow you to focus on certain areas while taking the course and give an adequate assessment by filling in the feedback form at the end. The assessment is subjective and based on your personal experience. It is expressed via scale from 1 to 5, where: 1 – bad, major improvements are needed; 2 – poor, some improvements are needed; 3 – satisfactory, improvements are not needed; 4 good – improvements are not needed and 5 – excellent. If you reply with 1, 2 or 3 score shall be supported with short explanations (1-3 sentences) on what exactly has to be improved.
- Fulfil the final exam requirements to complete the course / OR fulfil exercise after studied section.
- Fill in the feedback form by following the link at the end of the course.
- Get a temporary online Certificate of Attendance in case of completing the whole course
- In case you will not get signed Certificate by email withing 10 days after completing the course and submitting the feedback form, plese contact to get the final signed Certificate of Attendance