An essential prerequisite for the successful implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions is the training of professionals that boosts effective use of the great opportunities offered by innovative technologies.
INDEX Industrial Expert is a unique project undertaken by European experts in Innovation Management and Technologies to develop an interdisciplinary digital learning educational resource aimed at acquiring of competitive knowledge about innovative solutions of Industry 4.0. The project group members jointed their forces to create the market-oriented, easy-to-understand vocational training course customized to the market needs, especially to the needs of small and medium enterprises.

- has a module structure and covers 6 different areas (see below);
- is to be designed in compliance with the ECVET System and refer to the European Qualifications Framework;
- covers competence profile based on a deep market demand analysis in all relevant industries;
- applies didactical concept and methodology for validation and assessment, including the guideline on use of the INDEX platform, its application and vocational education approaches;
- will be soon available at one of the most popular massive open online course platform – Open edX.

Figure 1 – INDEX Course Structure (provided by INTAMT)