INDEX first project meeting
The Kick Off Meeting, which took place in Dusseldorf on the 4th and the 5th of October 2018 served the as a first working event of the Erasmus+ funded Project INDEX – Industrial Expert, the follow-up project to the successfully completed ENEX project. The Consortium, consisting of seven partners (Saxion University of Applied Sciences – Netherlands, Employment Agency Valdelsa (ASEV) & Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC), National Research Council (CNR), – Italy, Polytechnic University of Bucharest – Romania, University of Lodz – Poland, University of Applied Sciences Dusseldorf & INTAMT – Germany) agreed on the project management and the respective goals and specific steps towards the development of the practical Smart Industry learning course. The distribution of responsibilities and leads over the 9 intellectual outputs that are to be produced have been set. IOs. The meeting lasted two days and primarily took place at the premises of INTAMT e.V. in Düsseldorf. The TPM was concluded with a visit to the new campus of the HSD (University of Applied Sciences Dusseldorf ) and its various laboratories, including electrical and mechanical Engineering.
The project is aimed at the development of a MOOC-based open educational resource (OER) on Industry 4.0, and focused on professionals in application-oriented areas appears a vital practice-oriented task, whereas the combination of the newest academic know-how and entrepreneurial needs custom-fitted to produce systematic understanding and operational skills is an ideal approach to offer a solution tailored to the needs of the target group. The final product will be an up-to-date platform offereing an individual and modern learning environment and experience.